Structural Integration

Structural Integration

At Bio Energetic Dynamics, structural bodywork tends to be quite different than a typical ‘spa’ massage experience in Tampa, Fl.  Ultimately, I work at your level of tolerance / comfort.  I tend to move around in a hopscotch pattern to problem areas, and tend to work the crevices around the shoulders and limbs; going back to areas repeatedly to ‘peel another layer of the onion’.  I’m experienced at releasing chronic, deeper adhesions and scar tissue.  This is typically done with slow, deep, sometimes uncomfortable strokes, with typically minimal lubrication.  Minimal lubrication produces that drag in the tissue and fascia, which is what can make dramatic myofascial releases and recovery possible.  The slow drag induces a greater piezoelectric effect into the tissue. Much of my style comes from the principles of Structural Integration,  Structural Energetic Therapy, Rolfing, Myofascial Craniopathy, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage, and if someone has the capability or desire for it Chi Nei Tsang.  I often employ microcurrent from either Dophin Neurostims or an Avazzia unit.  I sometimes use Vitaflex Rollers or Gua Sha to break up adhesions as well.  I also use NMT (done with the whole scalar setup is extra) and Body Talk on receptive people.  Booking button is at the bottom of the page.

(813) 596-2299