Deep Tissue Massage Tampa

Deep Tissue

At Bio Energetic Dynamics, full draping is expected and required in this office during any type of massage, which includes Deep Tissue Massage, which targets deeper layers of tissue.  The pressure level during Deep Tissue Massage is ultimately tailored to your level of tolerance / comfort.  My Deep Tissue Massage is more the type of massage similar to my Structural Integration work (not as specific and includes no other modalities), which is optimal for releasing muscle tension.  What this ultimately means is that the focus is simply on the muscle bellies and often the fascia.  The typical massage therapist does not do this, and as a result, there is typically less range of motion gained upon completion of the session.  There tends to be minimal lubrication used to get a nice myofascial drag on the skin; which is often instrumental in releasing deep myofascial adhesions and targets deeper, typically resulting in a greater range of motion.  Much of this philosophy comes from the works of Ida Rolf (founder of Rolfing) and Janet Travell, MD, who did some of the first detailed academic work on Trigger Point Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Deep Tissue Massage.  There is minimal emphasis on the Cranium and potential relations that the Cranial Respiration Mechanism may have on your presenting problem or issues.  Things are much more compartmentalized.  This ultimately means that I’m striving to get optimal forms of myofascial release to happen.  This can be a great session if you’re looking to have more emphasis done on focused areas like the back and/or the neck.  It can also be useful for people who do not connect (for whatever reason) with Craniopathy theory and simply want deeper work done.  If there’s an area you want me to focus on please let me know at the beginning of the session or as we go through the session.  Current pricing is introductory.

(813) 596-2299