Michael Stevens LMT

Meet Michael Stevens, LMT, our Lead Massage Therapist (and World’s Worst Psychic)


At Bio Energetic Dynamics, Michael Stevens LMT has been exploring bodywork modalities seriously since 1998.  His first serious passion was Gua Sha in May of 1998.  Back then, search engines were in their infancy, so libraries (or prolonged browsing at Barnes and Noble or Border’s Books) was where you had to go to get any information on anything.  Although he was discouraged from pursuing it many times over the years, it remains one of his favorites.  Since Gua Sha tends to leave marks (not Michael’s fault; most people have pronounced myofasical dysfuctions – he’s merely vacuuming up the eviscerated metabolic waste), Michael Stevens LMT decided to explore modalities that did not ‘leave marks’.  He was initially exposed to Cranial work back in 1999 when he attended a Reiki class.  During a break, one of the class members performed some Cranial Sacral work on another class member on a lunch break.  Michael Stevens LMT was less than impressed.  Little did he realize that he had only witnessed one school of thought in Craniopathy; the subtlest one.  While at West Side Tech in Winter Garden, he was exposed to the Cranial Release Technique, which was the second time a form of Cranial work came into his life.  While impressed, he did not immediately pursue it.  Fast forward to 2015.  While in the middle of attending Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida (Class 184), Michael Stevens LMT suffered from severe back strains which (long story short) steered him to study Structural Energetic Therapy while going on a reduced schedule through Palmer.  The combination of advanced bodywork (similar to Rolfing), Craniopathy, and Upper Cervical Specific chiropractic care started to make things roll a bit smoother for him.  If it matters to anyone, Michael is a non smoker and non drinker. Cranial Release Technique

(813) 596-2299